Wednesday, October 15, 2014

In Stuart Hall's article "What is the Black in Black popular culture?" he discuss many issues that occur within the interpreting of the black popular culture, but that is not what caught my eye. The thing that caught my attention is that he gives positive aspects of postmodernism. Stuart says it's good to have differences, he does not just talk about the differences within black culture, but he discusses all ethnicities and gender, homosexuality and how postmodernism has gradually introduced these things within culture and how it is a good thing now to society. This reminded me of the first day of class when we watch "Father Knows Best" with Betty wanting to be an engineer and everyone telling her she cannot because she is a girl. Now in days as a postmodern society, we would not accept that, there would be many controversies on it and how it is sexist. The same goes for being a different race, or being a different sexual orientation. We support all things different, this article is refreshing from the Article of Postmodernism written by Fredric Jameson that gives off all the bad aspects of now having a postmodern society and kind of gave our society a bad rep. In the end Hall accepts the differences that have happened and he tries to exemplify the goodness of change and differences.

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