Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Video Games Makes Us All Losers

Jesper Juul explains that no matter how much we may lose in game we still have the urge or better yet the desire to keep trying to beat the level you are on. This is due to the fact that humans can't stand the fact of losing. Losing makes us feel less of ourselves and we must succeed in winning to feel better about ourselves. The point Juul was making is that we all play video games and the whole point to video games is to overcome the obstacles thrown in front of us. To succeed pass these levels we will have to lose a few times to get use to the level and get the feel of what needs to be done to move on to the next level of the game. Losing in a video game makes us all losers because we must lose to win. Failure is what drives us to want more. God of War for the Playstation2 was one of the most challenging games that I have ever owned in my entire life. The game took me 3 months to beat. No one knows failure until they have played this game.

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