Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Spectacle

The first chapter titled "Separation Perfected" from Guy Debord's book "The Society of the Spectacle" talks about the idea of the spectacle. What the spectacle is, was a little bit elusive throughout the reading but I think that this idea of the spectacle was the mass media. Debord seemed to have a negative outlook on the spectacle and seemed to think that there was no separation between this spectacle and real life. He talked a lot about how the spectacle alienates us from the rest of the world and makes a point on how people kind of try to understand themselves personally through representation. I think the idea of mass media being the spectacle can be related to a lot of things such as Facebook, magazine stands, movies, etc. I think that Debord's main point is his very last thesis, "The Spectacle is capital accumulated to the point where it becomes image." [Thesis 34] What I understand about this thesis is that this spectacle (mass media) is almost in a way being associated with things like money, and material goods and that society as a whole is "trapped" or alienated with blurred images of appearance and real life. 

1 comment:

  1. good eye--that last thesis IS his main argument and these are great examples!
