Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Media contributes to our views

In Thursday reading, the article suggests that media contributes to how we present our selves and our views others, as well as gender roles, our economic standing, and others. The article states "They contribute to educating us how to behave and what to think, feel, believe, fear, and desire - and what not to (Kellner, 7)", they meaning medias, I totally agree with this idea. Growing up you see commercials of the newest toys, clothing, or shoes. Those ads are suggesting to children that if you want your friends to like you or you want to be accepted, then you need to be like the children in the ad and get this new object. I feel as young children, our minds are shaped to think this way, even into adulthood. I saw an example of this when my younger cousin was bullied for not being "cool" because she did not have an iPhone. Let me first say my cousin was 8 at the time. I would never think someone would be bullied over such material goods, especially at a young age. I believe due to media in today's culture it is typical for everyone, even children to have a cell phone, or we are led to believe this. So now children have cell phones.
Media has so much power over how we see the world and what we believe to be true. Because of such inventions of the internet we are able to essentially choose how we present ourselves and what we are led to believe. There are so many articles that are posted on the internet and such sites as Facebook that are untrue, yet they circulate and people just assume the information is credible because they read it on the internet.

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