I remember that the other day in class we watched Father Knows Best, and mentioned how well it showed how powerless women were in deciding what they wanted their future to look and consist of.
I sort of feel like SOA fulfills the same aspect in the way that the women don't really have much of an option or say when it comes to deciding what the gang members do or even having the option of leaving. Once they're in, they're pretty much stuck, and if they get killed, well it's their problem for being involved, right? Eh.
Also, last class ( Tuesday) I remember someone mentioning how reality TV was a low class thing, however, I sort of disagree because don't you have to be able to afford cable to get certain channels? Even once you have cable, sometimes those channels require an extra fee on top of the outrageous monthly bill that you pay to have cable.
Maybe that's just me but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks.
I think it was me who mentioned reality tv was lowbrow. You're right that it takes $$$ to have cable and watch these shows. I meant more that reality TV is considered a "trashy" form of entertainment by critics and the broader culture because it provides less respectable forms of entertainment (like watching women catfight or laughing at obese people). It also does depict the super poor (Toddlers and Tiaras, Honey boo boo) and you might argue reality TV exploits and makes fun of its lower class subjects.